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Contemporary & Experminetal Music

Sound Installation, Piano & Electronics Concert


Peter Ablinger, Compositeur de la musique expérimentale, remet en question la définition du son. Il engage l’espace avec le son et il nous fait réfléchir à la frontière de la musique. Il dépasse sans facilement ces frontières et définie la musique de nouveau. Le bruit est un reflet de sa réflexion de la musique expérimentale.

The Detail:

  • Category:Sound Installation
  • Material: Experimental music

"California score"

The piece, 'California score' has 2 parts and an intermezzo. The first part is now finished. The intermezzo is this short annoincrement. And the second part concerns all of you, who are now invited to leave your seats, to visit this short term exhibition, and to read and imagine the sounds of this score"/Sound installation 2013- Anoush.M

The Detail:

  • Category:Sound Installation
  • Material: Experimental music

Hinweisstücke/reference pieces

Pieces which exist only in its title; one can execute or visite do or think them.

The Detail:

  • Category:Sound Installation
  • Material: Experimental music

Gallery piece(Weiss/ Weisslich 32a)

Alternatingly sound absorbing and reflecting materials/ Sound installation 2013-Anoush.M